Most common questions

Ranging from how we conduct business to how to use some of the tools on our website.

For questions relating to typical workplace problem scenarios see do I have a case

Withdrawing settlement offers

It’s very unusual for a company to decrease an offer which they’ve already made to an employee – that amount will normally go up, not down.


It is really useful for to you keep records of your dispute at work. This provides a contemporaneous note and as memories fade over time it is really strong evidence to have.


We are very experienced in Tribunal cases, but normally we try and negotiate a settlement first.

Sick leave

If you feel too stressed to work then your GP should give you a sick note.


When time is of the essence, and you need advice today, we can respond extremely quickly.

Conflicts of interest

We don’t represent employers, so there is never a conflict of interest.

Lists of solicitors

If you need to have a settlement agreement reviewed and signed, your employer will pay the fee required for this. You can choose any solicitor you would like, including Monaco Solicitors even if we are not on your employer’s list, and your employer will still have to pay the signing fee.

When should Monaco get involved?

Employees often want to negotiate themselves, but  think about contacting us early on – maybe we can guide you through doing it the best way possible.

Free consultations

Get in touch and, if we can help, we will call you, offering a free consultation if we can. If we can’t help, we will send you an email explaining this. We will not take your case if there is no way that we can help.

How much should I get?

Try our settlement calculator to see how much money you should get.


We like to offer ‘no win no fee’ terms if possible.  Whatever terms we offer you, we make our fee structure transparent and we never bill you for any hidden costs. We accept most major credit and debit cards as payment. Visit our fees page to find out more.

Do I have a case?

Try our award winning Virtual Lawyer tool to do download an automated advice letter.

Get in touch

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Name *

Latest job title

Email *


Your Situation

Years employed *


Still employed *

Annual income *


Do you have a
settlement agreement?


Want to leave job?

Brief description of case *


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