Meet Our Team

Alex Monaco

Solicitor-Advocate (All Higher Courts) & CEO

"I believe that everyone should have easy access to legal knowledge, so they can live freely in a complex world."

Hardeep Kular

Senior Employment Solicitor

"Employment law is an area where good advice can make a real difference. Work is a huge part of life and the advice given and results achieved can have a profound impact on an individual as well as their wider family. "

Helen Alty

Senior Employment Solicitor

"My focuss is to secure the best possible solution for employees facing challenging work situations. I am committed to delivering strong, effective, and reassuring advice to support and guide individuals through the complex area of employment law. "

Dippalli Naik

Senior Employment Solicitor

"Helping people understand and navigate employment law has always been very important to me. I do my very best to explain it in a no-nonsense, non-legalistic way to ensure my clients fully understand their rights and can work with me to achieve the outcome they want."

Gordon Quilty

Senior Employment Solicitor

"I have a passion for access to justice. I find it really rewarding to use my skills to advise employees on their employment law issues and to work with them to help to achieve the best possible outcome."

Sundeep Bhatia

Senior Employment Solicitor

"The quest for promoting equality and diversity for employees runs through my veins. I have always had a passionate interest in employment law and I've successfully practised it since 2003."

Ramiza Mohammed

Senior Employment Solicitor

"I see myself as a problem solver. I get great satisfaction from being able to support individuals so as to realise their employment rights and achieve the best possible outcome for them."

Tessa Harris

Senior Employment Solicitor

"My entire career has been centred around working for law firms that firmly believe in ‘Access to Justice’. Assisting people who have been wronged at work is where access to justice can have a profound impact and one which I seek to deliver on a daily basis."

Joel Smith

Senior Employment Solicitor

"My expert legal skills can help you understand your legal rights and how to use them in negotiations to get the best possible outcome. My extensive litigation experience means I can also advise you on taking your case to an employment tribunal - usually as a last resort, but sometimes the only one."

Chloe Holmes

Trainee Solicitor

"Being a trainee gives me a chance to be closely involved in the running of clients' cases. With the support of my senior colleagues, I have secured several settlement offers and enjoyed achieving positive results for my clients. "

Anca Cristea

Trainee Solicitor

"I am fast developing my knowledge of this complex area of law through involvement in real-life cases. I have been able to make a real difference to my clients' lives and find it very rewarding to help them gain access to justice. "

Marnie Stubbs

Trainee Solicitor

"Not all employees work in a safe and supportive workplace and I aim to help them overcome this by supporting them with their employment cases. Being a trainee also allows me to develop my knowledge of employment law on a daily basis. "

Simrath Singh

Trainee Solicitor

"Being a trainee solicitor enables me to provide access to justice to employees in real need. My fast-growing knowledge of employment law means I can work with clients every day to help them achieve the best possible outcomes. "

We are proud to say
Ellie Reeves MP

One of our very own lawyers here at Monaco Solicitors from April 2016 to June 2017, is now MP for Lewisham West and Penge.

After seeing her in action on our employment law cases, we’re excited to see that she has now been appointed the Shadow Solicitor General.

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class representation

Our many 5 star reviews are testament to our proven track record in negotiating high value settlements